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Donald Trump faces an impeachment investigation. Why?
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced she is supporting an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
How did we get here?
Russia, Russia, Russia
But first, global organized crime. Does my invocation of Russia bring up a political fervor? More likely you are exhausted with the headlines following the story over time. That’s a feature, not a bug. It satisfies an objective of many a demagogue: provoke anger in one, apathy in another, rob them blind while they’re distracted. What makes someone angry makes someone take action. That’s why I hope my readers understand that it’s good to be angry, but do not sin in your anger.
Trump’s history in organized crime is well-documented. I’ve shared stories about it on social media in the past and am willing to follow up with a list of those posts in a future article. That’s how I came to believe Trump’s methods are not part of a grand design; they’re the shadows of grander designs.
America has learned a lot about counter terrorism on the home front lately, but before that we were learning a lot about organized crime through the work of the intelligence community. I have read enough of Robert Mueller’s public statements from his time as FBI Director to understand that globally organized crime requires complex strategy relying on a multinational understanding of the world. There are helpful articles and links to the relevant press conferences where Mueller…